Sunday, April 4, 2021

Humanoid Robot Sophia as Artist

Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by David Hanson (CEO of Hanson Robotics company from Hong Kong). She was activated on February 14, 2016. After that, she has participated in many interviews and public events and became the most famous robot in the world, with the ability to mimic facial expression, hold conversation and recognize people.

Sophia is a robot of many talents. She speaks, sings, jokes and even make art. She caused a stir in the art world when a digital work she created as a part of collaboration was sold at an auction for $688,888.

In that work titled "Sophia Instantiation" she collaborated with Italian artist Andrea Bonaceto. He drew portrets of Sophia. Via neural network she processed his work and create digital artwork of her own.

It is first artwork ever created by humanoid robot.


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Humanoid Robot Sophia as Artist

Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed by David Hanson (CEO of Hanson Robotics company from Hong Kong). She was activated on February 1...